UTAR & MyFeet Foot Care Services: Advancing Biomechanics Research Together

A collaboration between UTAR and MyFeet Foot Care Services is driving innovation in orthotic footwear by investigating its impact on lower extremity biomechanics. This research explores how arch support sandals influence foot function and musculoskeletal health during real-world activities such as prolonged walking, uphill climbing, and downhill movement.

Cutting-edge motion analysis tools are being utilised, including:
✅ Instrumented Treadmill (H/P Cosmos™) with Force Platform – Simulating walking gait and conducting kinetic analysis
✅ G-Walk Wearable Sensor System – Providing detailed kinematic and spatial-temporal analysis
✅ Electromyography (EMG) – Capturing muscle activity patterns

By analysing muscle activity, joint moments, and gait symmetry, this project contributes to the development of evidence-based orthotic solutions, enhancing comfort and musculoskeletal health.

~Master’s Research Scholarship Opportunity~
A Master’s student position is available under the Research Scholarship Scheme to support this impactful research.

*Project Title:
The Dynamic Influence of Arch Support Sandal on Lower Extremity Biomechanics: Insights into Foot Function and Musculoskeletal Health

Bachelor’s degree in a related field (e.g., Biomedical Engineering, Applied Physics, Biophysics, Physiotherapy)

*Stipend: RM 2,000 per month

*Applications & Inquiries:
Project-Related Inquiries – Dr Chan Siow Cheng (Principal Investigator) | chansc@utar.edu.my
Programme-Related Inquiries – Dr Tan Chun Hui (Head of Programme, PhD (Sc) and MSc programmes) | tchui@utar.edu.my; https://ipsr.utar.edu.my/MSc_SL.php

This industry-academic collaboration between UTAR and MyFeet Foot Care Services strengthens research in biomechanics and orthotic innovations, bridging the gap between scientific research and practical applications.

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