Wireless power transfer technology for medically implantable devices

Wireless power transfer technology for medically implantable devices

Date: 18-01-2019
Time: 4 – 5 pm
Venue: KB 803

Speaker: Prof. Franklin Bien
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea

Modern medical treatment and diagnoses benefit from IT technologies ranging from small pill transceiver devices to permanent implanted devices. Either case must communicate to the external devices for the medical expert to view. Moreover, these devices require certain form of power supply in order for the device to function properly. Recently, the demand for functionality in such endoscopy device is ever increasing to enable HD quality imaging, actuators for signature implant, and locomotive for accurate positioning. More over, alternative methods to monitor glucose levels has come to an implantable continuous glucose monitoring sensors adopting wireless power transfer technologies. In order to minimize the necessary battery size enclosed by the implanted biomedical devices, wireless power transfer [WPT] technique is considered differently from consumer electronics. Due to random positioning and miniaturized size of the implanted sensors and devides, applying WPT technology may not be trivial. In this talk, various WPT technologies for medically implanted devices are analyzed. Some of the issue is studied, and possible solution is presented.

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