The UTAR Physiotherapy Education Committee will be holding a webinar titled ‘Research to Reality’ on 11/3/2022 (Friday) at 3pm. The topics include: Mark your calendars and come, take a look!It’s a free session and e-Certs will be awarded! Register at
Category: Activities
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Safety
Speaker: Ir. Shamila Ariaratnam, Healthcare & Biomedical Engineering Consultant, Armamentarium Consulting Date: Wednesday, 16 March 2022 Time: 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm Venue: Virtual, MS Team – 9gvy89y
An Insight to Magnetic Resonance Imaging – CEST vs Conventional MR
Dr Tee was invited to give a webinar regarding the insight to magnetic resonance imaging, comparing chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) with conventional magnetic resonance on 29 Oct 2021 from 12 – 2 pm via Microsoft Team. The talk was a great success, many participants were impressed by the potential of CEST in revolutionizing stroke...
Spinal Cord Injury: Living in the 21st Century
Living with a spinal cord injury can be devasting. However, in the 21st century, advances in medicine and rehabilitation have brought about quality living for people that have sustained spinal cord injurers. Four speakers, experienced in these fields will be presenting on the topic.
Malaysia Medical Device Act
The main objective of the Medical Device Act is to protect public health and safety. The Act strives to ensure that medical devices in Malaysia are of high quality, effective and safe. This talk will provide an overview of the whole Act whilst highlighting main aspects of the Act. Speaker’s profile Ir. Shamila Ariaratnam graduated...
3D Printing in Clinical Engineering
Materialise has pioneered many of the leading medical applications in surgical planning and 3D printing, enabling researchers, engineers, and clinicians to revolutionize personalized care. Join this talk to learn how a personalized treatment can assist surgeons at different stages in the treatment, allowing digital and better visualization of pathology, 3D printing of anatomical models, virtual...
Diverse Physiotherapy: Osteoporosis, Diabetes & Neonates
Physiotherapy encompasses a wide range of diseases and disabilities where the goal is to optimize health and to prevent further complications. This webinar will cover three prevalent medical issues, that span across the ages. Three speakers, experienced in these fields will be presenting on updates and trends of physiotherapy in osteoporosis, diabetes melitus and management...
The Balance Scorecard
Have you seen your parents / grandparents losing balance lately? Or have they even fallen? You, yourself may be feeling unbalanced occasionally or frequently. Or you might be thinking of ways to keep your balance as long as possible. Well, this is the place for you! Come! Join us for an important discussion on BALANCE!...
Getting Closer to Balance
This webinar is all about balance and getting to know balance better. As the evidence grows and expands, there are numerous aspects of balance that a physiotherapist needs to be familiar with. Thus, the UTAR Physiotherapy Department have geared up to bring a Continuing Education Series on Balance. The first in our series – Getting...
Novel Directions in Falls Prevention
We have now approached an era where older people are engaged in many activities, to keep fit in mind and body and to explore new adventures. The aging body, however, is susceptible to occasional falls, resulting in many unwantedconsequences. Our experts in this webinar, will share with us a few developing areas of fall prevention,...