Goh Xue Xin, a CHST postgraduate student, won the Early Career Award at the 2023 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS) held in Toronto, Canada, from 11th to 15th May 2023. As part of the award, she received a travel stipend and had her registration fee waived.

As an Early Career Awardee, she was assigned a mentor, Dr. Shinichiro Nakajima from Keio University, Japan, who guided her throughout the meeting. In addition, she attended the Early Career Development Workshop, where she gained valuable information from professionals in the schizophrenia research field. The workshop focused on the challenges faced by young investigators and strategies for addressing them, including research direction, publication, and career development.

During the congress, Goh Xue Xin successfully completed an oral presentation titled “Time-To-Event Analysis of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Vitamin D in Schizophrenia Based on Onset Age and Illness Duration.” Her presentation fell under the Biomarkers and Clinical Outcomes category.